Who is Machiventa Melchizedek?
Machiventa Melchizedek is a transcendent figure whose influence spans millennia, a celestial being of profound wisdom and authority whose mission has shaped the spiritual contours of our world. Known as the “Sage of Salem” in ancient times, Machiventa’s brief incarnation on Earth approximately 4,000 years ago was not just a historical footnote but a pivotal intervention in the spiritual evolution of humanity. His mission was to preserve the knowledge of the one true God during an era rife with spiritual confusion and polytheism, laying the groundwork for the monotheistic faiths that would come to define Western civilization. As a Melchizedek Son, Machiventa belongs to an exalted order of beings created by the Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, and the Divine Minister. The Melchizedeks are teachers and administrators, entrusted with the governance of vast domains and the spiritual education of both celestial and mortal beings. Machiventa’s particular role as an emergency Son places him in the unique position of being deployed during times of crisis, when the spiritual direction of a world hangs in the balance. In assuming the title of Planetary Prince of Urantia—an office he took on after the tragic default of the original Planetary Prince, Caligastia—Machiventa has become the guiding force behind our world’s spiritual progress. His governance is not marked by overt displays of power, but by the quiet, persistent fostering of spiritual enlightenment, ethical living, and the cultivation of values that transcend the materialist tendencies of our age. Today, Machiventa Melchizedek continues his mission, working behind the scenes with a cadre of celestial beings to uplift humanity from its spiritual infancy. His teachings emphasize the intrinsic worth of life, the imperative of equality, the need for personal and collective growth, and the pursuit of a quality of life that enhances the well-being of all. Compassion and empathy are central to his philosophy, as is a deep, abiding love for all of humankind—a love that seeks not just to elevate individuals, but to transform society as a whole. In a world beset by conflict, materialism, and spiritual disillusionment, Machiventa Melchizedek stands as a beacon of hope. His wisdom is a clarion call to awaken to our higher potentials, to embrace the divine purpose woven into the fabric of our existence, and to contribute to the unfolding of a planetary civilization rooted in love, justice, and sustainability. His presence, though often unrecognized, is a testament to the enduring care of celestial guardians who labor tirelessly for the upliftment of our world, guiding us toward a future where the divine light within every soul can shine forth in its fullest glory. A Message from Machiventa “This is Machiventa. I think the time has come for me to say this, and this is something that each of you will take to heart in your own way: I am not the voice of God. I am simply a local son of the universe of Nebadon, serving my sovereign, Christ Michael, from the point of view at which he created me to be. I was created fully prepared for the work that I have to do. However, what I lack in this creation is experience. You on the other hand as mortals of the realm were created imperfect by design so you could gather the greatest possible breadth of experience for your contribution to the evolving God of the Supreme. Read more Who is Christ Michael? Christ Michael is the actual creator of our world and the local universe of Nebadon in which our little planet resides. He incarnated as Jesus 2000 years ago to bring the good news that "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." He is currently working with Machiventa and his team of celestial associates to bring world peace to our planet. Who are the "celestial beings?" Our world is teeming with celestial helpers, tirelessly working to help each mortal make the correct decisions for their lives and the future of our world. They include angels, former mortals of other planets, students here to study our extraordinary situation and many others of unrevealed origin. They are all here to help us choose love in our lives, our governments, and our social structures. What does "co-creative" mean? Free will is the law of the universe. No celestial being, no matter their status, will interfere with the free will choosing of any other personality. What Machiventa and his staff seek to do is to engage each of us mortals in the correct choosing to bring balance to our social, economic, and governmental systems. They will help us bring about the change we all want to see, if only we will seek their guidance. How do I seek the guidance of the celestials? In your stillness practice. Make time every day to go into stillness and ask your questions. If you are sincere in your quest, the answers will eventually come. The answers may not arrive exactly as you expect, but be persistent in your stillness practices and you will discover much. Read more. Where can I find more information? Our current status has been termed "The Correcting Time" by Machiventa and his team. Simple Google searches of any of the terms found on this website will provide much information. Why doesn't everybody know about Machiventa and the celestial assistance? This video explains a lot about the history of this planet. This 30-minute video delves into the fascinating and complex narrative of world history, presenting a detailed account of the origins and evolution of our planet, weaving together science, philosophy, and spirituality. It offers a cosmic perspective on human development, from the creation of Earth to the emergence of advanced civilizations and the spiritual forces that have shaped our journey. Join us as we explore this profound and thought-provoking account of history. |