Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our world was bathed in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness?
What if all our personal decisions were based on these three values? What if our government ran on these values? Our social structures, from taxation to health care to education—what if all our laws were based on these values? Well, it’s possible. It’s possible in your life, and it’s possible across the globe, one person at a time, one law at a time, one organization at a time, one day at a time. There Is a Plan. Truth, Beauty, and Goodness are concepts. But they have ACTION coefficients. These are: Love, Mercy, and Ministry. Truth=Love Beauty=Mercy Goodness=Ministry So, if you desire Truth, then live your life in Love, and truth will be revealed. If you desire to experience Beauty in your life, then extend Mercy to all you see, and you will see the beauty in all of life. If you crave Goodness, then Minister to your fellows as if they were your brothers and sisters, and you will find that goodness is inherent in our very DNA. I hear “Be the change you want to see,” but I also see the same people who say these things evince the very opposite in their lives, especially on social media. I know we’re not perfect, but we can do better. We can be better. We can expect better from one another. We have to do more than give lip service to the commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34). This is my plan. |